Digital Inclusion for all
Learners (DI4All)
Welcome to the DI4All project, where we are dedicated to creating digital inclusion for all. Our mission is to ensure that everyone has equal access to the digital world, regardless of their background or circumstances.
About us
The project aims to improve the learning performance of young students by promoting quality improvements and innovative excellence in schools. It also aims to ensure digital inclusiveness in education to provide equal opportunities for all students. Lastly, the project intends to train teachers and educators to promote digital inclusion and tackle disinformation, creating a holistic learning experience for students.
The target groups of the project include students, school staff, schools, other educational providers, public bodies, and national agencies.
This program will be based on the best practices and analyzed results from teachers and trainers in the field, with a guide that includes materials from the project’s intellectual outputs. An online contest for schools to showcase their best practices in digital inclusion will be held, and the results will be presented and discussed at a final seminar.
The activities of Digital Inclusion for All (DI4All) are supported by Erasmus+, and the project number is 2021-2-SE01-KA210-SCH-000050728.
Meet us better
Project coordinator:
Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (i4QOOL) Consultancy
Project partner:
Lithuanian College of Democracy
Do you want to make changes?
Join the DI4All movement today and help make digital inclusion a reality for all learners.
Empower the future through digital inclusion
Photos from the Multiplier events, February 5-6, 2024.

Photo from the conference on Media Literacy, March 2-3, 2023.

Information and Disclaimer

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
The licence of the project
The material of this webpage has been created in the frame of the Erasmus+ Project DI4ALL and is licensed under the
Commons 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Licence