In December 2023, the “Digital Inclusion for All Learners” (DI4ALL) project was prominently featured at the New European Bauhaus Festival. Coordinated by Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson of Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy in Lund, Sweden, and in partnership with the Lithuanian College of Democracy, represented by Director Dr. Eglė Celiešienė and Project Manager Neda Monstytė, DI4ALL aims to enhance digital competencies among young learners and educators. The project focuses on promoting quality improvements and innovation in education, with a strong emphasis on digital inclusiveness.

At the festival, the DI4ALL team presented their comprehensive approach to digital inclusion, which includes training programs for educators, the development of a guide incorporating the project’s intellectual outputs, and the organization of an online contest for schools to showcase best practices in digital inclusion. These efforts align with the Erasmus+ program’s prioritized areas, such as active citizenship, green sustainability, inclusion and diversity, and digital transformation.

The dissemination of DI4ALL’s objectives and outcomes at the New European Bauhaus Festival underscores the project’s commitment to integrating digital inclusion into the broader context of European educational and cultural initiatives. By participating in such events, DI4ALL continues to foster collaboration and share best practices, contributing to the ongoing dialogue on digital education and inclusion across Europe.

For more detailed information, you can view the full presentation on SlideShare.

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